Civil Engineering Design

Civil engineering design for structures and infrastructures, hydraulic and geotechnical studies according to international regulations and/or specific requirements. These services can be tailored for Owners, Developers as well as for EPC Contractors.

  • feasibility studies
  • concept design
  • detailed design: for construction documentation
  • design of temporary/provisional structures and elements

The feasibility study aims to investigate the existence of one or several solutions to project ideas and their feasibility.

Concept design is the first stage of development of a project, giving on overview of each item and a rough estimation of the costs. Depending on the extent of the documentation, this service may evolve in a more complete Basic Engineering.

Detailed Design is the development of the design documentation aimed to completely define the project in every aspect: technical and economical.

The execution of civil engineering works requires the preparation of “FOR CONSTRUCTION” drawings, which may have deeper level of detail to enable the production of components and accessories for the site execution.

Finally, we can develop projects for temporary or provisional structure which are often needed once the building sites are already in progress and particular activities (even out of initial scope) need to be carried out.

  • general structural and stress analysis of civil and mechanical structures
  • design of
    • building structures
    • industrial structures
    • renewable energy structures: towers, foundations, accessory buildings
    • structural connections
    • foundation structures
    • hydraulic structures
    • retaining structures
    • temporary structures

Analysis and design of structures are always considered separately, the first one being preliminary to the second. In the structural analysis, sometimes called stress analysis, the structure is analyzed by means of hand or numerical calculations and schemes allowing the determination of the internal forces and stresses in the structural members and components.

In the design phase, the strength verifications, the production of calculation reports, drawings and, when needed, boll of materials and quantities are delivered.

We perform such activities with commercial software as well as with in-house developed procedures and codes.

Furthermore, we can perform design according to international standards, like Eurocodes, Model Codes, ACI.

  • design of geotechnical specifications
  • design of geotechnical campaign
  • geotechnical studies:
    • soil parameter determination
    • design of new foundations systems
    • local seismic response
  • global analysis of foundation systems
    • shallow foundations
    • deep foundations
    • rock anchored systems
  • soil-structure interaction
  • slope analysis
  • retaining structures design
  • temporary geotechnical structures

We support our clients in the definition of preliminary and detailed field campaign necessary for the characterization of the local soil conditions: quantity and type of tests to be executes, as well as the necessary laboratory tests.

The soil properties are evaluated on the basis of the field tests. This enable the process of defining the most suitable type of foundation for the site under investigation.

All the foundation global and detailed analyses are performed considering the soil model derived from the field studies, with the help of hand and numerical calculations.

For complex projects we interact with local experts and partner in order to find best solutions to guarantee efficiency and costs containment.

  • design of windfarm road layout
  • design of windfarm hardstands and site compounds
  • optimization of windfarm layouts
  • design of earthworks and retaining structures
  • adaptation of existing public roads
  • simulation of large component transportation

Our experience is based on the civil engineering windfarm design in several countries and in different types of terrains, from flat areas to complex mountain sites.

The definition of the windfarm infrastructure is an important step of the project development. Starting in the right direction will help to mitigate risks and costs.

The definition of the site infrastructure layout should be made on the basis of a tight interaction with the turbine manufacturer, taking into account of the local market conditions in terms of transport and logistic capabilities.

Component transport simulation will help to reduce the often necessary and expensive adaptations to public roads.

  • rain flow analysis
  • watershed basin analysis
  • open channel steady and unsteady simulations
  • surface water flow modeling, flooding analysis

We perform hydraulic studies to support the development of renewable projects as well as the verification of the risk level connected to a certain area.

The studies generally serve as an input for the design activities, in order to determine the necessary countermeasures to reduce risks or to fulfill certain design requirements.

We can carry out the studies to different levels of details depending on the required accuracy and design/development stage.

Feel free to Contact us for more details

Due Diligence

We support our Customers in the evaluation of project proposals or in the assessment of existing assets. These service are specific for the identification of Civil Engineering related risks for our Customers in the acquisition of projects and assets, as well as for the assessment of existing assets beyond the planned lifetime or when damages have been detected or suspected.

  • generic visual inspection of assets and structural consistency
  • design of inspection and testing campaign to verify assets conditions and integrity
  • support/assistance in the execution of tests
  • analysis of test results
  • reporting

When dealing with existing assets and structures, a site inspection is what our Customer request after the preliminary discussions in order allow us a direct visualization of the current status.

A visual inspection it’s important to us also for the definition of additional testing campaign, this one being normally necessary for the following reasons:

  • confirm the information available from project design/execution by doing random tests
  • collect new/fresh information on the current condition of materials and components, especially when project quality documentation is not available
  • extend investigation for structures showing defects and/or damages
  • design check/validation
  • re-analysis of existing structures
    • after severe/accidental load case
    • due to damages
    • due to load change
  • localized verification
  • reliability analysis
  • lifetime extension

Re-analysis of existing structures is a common practice in civil engineering, especially when reaching the end of the lifetime or when the structure itself underwent severe loading or, in the worst case, damage or total/partial collapse.

The analysis of existing structures is a challenging task, especially when not much information is available from the execution phase.

Complex simulations and sensitivity analyses are often needed in order to capture a more realistic behavior of the structure, while taking into account of uncertainties.

We can perform structural assessment of existing structures according to international standards, like Eurocodes, Model Codes, ACI etc.

  • technical review of geotechnical studies
  • assessment of existing shallow and deep foundations
  • assessment of existing retaining structures
  • assessment of rock anchored structures

We can review the content of existing geotechnical studies to verify their completeness and suitability for structural design and general civil engineering purposes. We advise in case an extension of the geological studies and laboratory tests are needed in order to increase the level of knowledge and confidence on the soil properties.

Furthermore, we can perform a verification of existing foundations and structures that exhibit large settlements with or without structural damages.

  • review of project documentation’s consistency
  • technical review of design documents
  • technical review of contractual documents
  • review and creation of tender specifications and requirements
  • review BoQ documentation for civil works
  • market research to support bidding activity
  • technical support during negotiations

A tender process is always a challenging task on the side of both the Owner and the Contractor. In the wind industry, construction works are often tendered on the basis of a design which is far from being detailed.

This, of course, may give raise to misinterpretation of the documents, underestimations and in general many other issues that will ultimately result in reciprocal claims between the Owner and the Contractor.

In this case, starting with the right foot and in the right direction is imperative to avoid such discussions and loss of time and money. For this reason a thorough review of the documentation, from both sides, and technical interaction between the parties is essential for a successful cooperation, and ultimately the execution of the works.

Feel free to Contact us for more details

On-Site Support

We provide Civil Engineering support to our Customers in carrying out specific activities during the preparation and the execution of the construction works, making sure that quality works are delivered and efficiently monitored.

  • definition of the relevant/critical construction phases
  • support to the definition and optimization of time schedule plan
  • support to the definition and optimization of resources allocation
  • preliminary interactions with Contractors/Owners

Our support in the planning phase is aimed to ensure that critical paths are properly identified and potential countermeasure to enable safe and reliable operations on site are outlined.

  • review/creation of design of temporary structures
  • review/creation of design of temporary infrastructures
  • analysis of additional handling load configurations on structural components
  • road component transport simulations (change of vehicle type, road adaptation etc.)
  • review/modification of BoQ following design changes
  • technical support for contracts modifications

Often, during the site execution of civil works, changes to the original plans arise and modifications/adaptations are suddenly required.

Our target is to ensure readiness and value engineering in facing unforeseen changes by providing efficient and cost effective solutions, minimizing required changes to contracts and agreements.

  • design of new site specific Quality Plan
  • review/adaptation of existing Quality Plan
  • review/creation of site specific checklist
  • quality site inspection for civil works and components
  • review of material and components FAT
  • review of independent material lab tests (concrete and reinforcement)

After many years spent in the supervision of civil works, we can offer highly customizable support to Owners and EPC Contractors in the definition of quality requirements and procedures for the fulfillment of high quality standards during execution on site.

We have worked in many different Countries touching with our hands how market conditions affect the quality in the civil works. Careful preparation upfront is a good starting point, however also proper training and empowering of site personnel can make huge difference in achieving adequate quality standards.

  • plan and design of additional geotechnical studies and tests
  • design of structural static load tests and assistance to execution
  • detailed design of pile static load tests and assistance to execution
  • interpretation of site tests
  • structural frequency field assessment

Material, components and structures always require testing on site to verify their compliance to design and standard requirements.

We offer our extensive experience in planning, and execute the supervision of several type of load testing. Furthermore, we advise on the execution of material testing necessary for the code compliance to local and international standards. Having the construction works properly tested and documented is an important step in the adding value to any type of asset.

Feel free to Contact us for more details

Research and Development

Implementation and application of new technologies and materials requires large technical effort in the research phase and then in the following design phase. The execution of civil works often requires to look 360° around for potential improvements in order to mitigate costs and increase reliability.

  • feasibility studies
    • market research
    • technical research
    • feasibility and concept studies
  •  modeling
    • analytical models
    • numerical models
    • code generation
  • prototyping
    • preliminary and detailed design
    • model standardization
    • automatization

Every project may contain from small to large research activity, depending on its complexity. It is our duty to offer our Customer the opportunity to investigate new technologies and methods that, in the medium or long term, can make their business more attractive.

Research can be done with very simple tools, while in other applications, more complex analyses and resources may be needed. Therefore, preliminary investigations with lower resources should be always focused on identifying opportunities and risks.

We are always pleased to propose, be part of and support new ideas and we like working with Customers who like changes and challenges.

Feel free to Contact us for more details